Better Days

Welcome to the blog of Doug "Duke" Lang, songwriter and host of Better Days, a radio show spinning journeys from music and language, heard Thursdays ten-to-midnight Pacific time at Listen to songs at

Location: Vancouver, Canada

Thursday, September 29, 2005

My son took this photo at the Killing Fields. It was one of the
first photographs that he showed me when he returned home.
I remember hearing something in his voice, a tone that I'd never
heard before. Education moves the heart and mind closer together.
Travelling to foreign lands is a master class.
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Cindy Sheehan Interview

Here's a link to an interview with Cindy Sheehan
from last weekend in Washington, D.C.

Mick & Susie Posted by Picasa

Mickey Newbury
May 19, 1940 - Sept 29, 2002

The music is still there, if you listen.